Author: Ben Taylor


SQL Optimization Through File Segregation

We’ve talked about different ways to optimize disk access for your SQL Server database. Memory may be used for SQL Server cache, tempdb. Disk controllers may have their own cache. You can purchase many different kinds of disks, each with its own performance capabilities. Today we are going to take a brief look at combining disks to work as a […]


Speeding up my database storage

If you need to optimize your disk for database access, and have implemented all the reasonable caching methods available, you can look into different disk optimization techniques. The simplest optimization is to put in a faster disk. Even when you purchase a database server there are many options for your disk systems. The least expensive are usually based on SATA […]


Overcoming The Physics of Disk Storage

Knowing the restrictions of disk performance, how do you increase the performance of your database beyond the physics of your hard disk? There are two methods for performance improvement: 1) Caching, and 2) Higher performance Disk Configuraions. Caching can be done in many different layers. Firstly, SQL Server itself works in a cache. Increased RAM on the host, made available […]


Do Disks Matter?

What kind of disk storage is on your database server? It does matter, depending on the size of your database, and the distribution of the data it contains. It also matters how much memory is available for SQL Server to do work. As you probably know, SQL Server does all of its work in memory. New records are created in […]


Is Dot Net Core Moving In?

Once you get off the Windows server platform, many contend that Java is the dominant development tool. It seems that Microsoft really wants a piece of the action on the non-Microsoft servers. And who can blame them. They started off with a basic Me-Too implementation of a Java clone, using the Dot Net universal CLR. True to form, they put […]


Why Do You Do It That Way

A story is told about a mother and a daughter who were cooking a roast for thanksgiving feast. The first thing the mom did was to cut the roast in half. The daughter asked her mom why she cut the roast in half. The mother answered, “I don’t know. My mother always did it that way.” So, they called the […]


Not Every ORM is Alike

Yesterday we took a look at how Entity Framework 6.1 communicates with SQL Server when retrieving data from multiple related tables. It builds inline views, adapting the data from multiple, related tables, transforming them to fit into a single, de-normalized view, looking much like a jagged array when the null values are ignored. This results in one round trip to […]


Entity Framework Using Include

Have you ever run a trace on Entity Framework query execution? It’s really interesting on the SQL Server side, when you see the SQL that Entity Framework designs. I have an application that causes a Stack Overflow if I try and use lazy loading with my Entity Framework classes. This is due to a recursive (hierarchical) design in the data, […]


Sorting Data On The Client

Let’s say you are using Dot Net to interact with your SQL database. You want to sort the data being returned from your database. But, you want to keep the load in your middle tier, with the intention to reduce the load on your database server. What options are available to you at this point? There are many different ways […]