Author: Ben Taylor


Sharing Data With a Web Service

When working with WCF web services you have a few options for transporting data to the client. Each method has its own benefits, and complications. Four mainstream techniques I am aware of are: Pass data as XML documents Pass data as JSON objects Pass data as POCO objects through shared library definition Pass data as Server side POCO objects. The […]


Working Remote

In today’s world it is more likely than not that you will be working with someone in a remote location. They may not be a great distance, maybe in the same building. Regardless of distance, there are some skills you need to develop for interacting efficiently with remote individuals. Some of the behaviors are not intuitive, and can really make […]


Extending Your Model

Are you taking advantage of the Model Database installed with every instance of SQL Server? As you may know, when you create a new database on an instance of SQL Server, it first makes a copy of the model database schema and data. This means your new database will clone any of the following: User Tables User Views Stored Procedures […]



TSQL User Defined Types have been with me since I started writing code in SQL Server in the early 1990s. Even still, I have not used them very often, even though they can provide a lot of standardization around your data. For those of you who haven’t used TSQL types, they work like this. You create your own type, based […]


OO Philosophy

Today I’m going to wax a little bit philosophical regarding the philosophy of object oriented programming. For those of us who work in more than just SQL, most of the languages popular today conform to some form of object oriented capabilities. Object oriented syntax has been designed to allow change to occur to programs over time, which most valuable software […]


Extension Methods

One of my favorite features of some object oriented languages is the ability to write methods extending the capabilities of an existing class, while not modifying the original code in any fashion. Java, C#, F# and JavaScript are well known for this capability. In C#, it works by creating a method where the input has a single parameter of the […]


Query Store

Another enhancement added to SQL Server 2016 is the Query Store. As I was reading about this feature I thought, “how really cool this is.” One of the SQL tricks I have used in the past is to maintain my own tables, either in tempdb, or elsewhere, with a history of query performance statistics. This allows me to track how […]


String Enhancements in SQL Server 2016

One of the enhancements being introduced in SQL Server 2016 involves handling large record definitions and large object types, VARCHAR(MAX), NVCARCHAR(MAX) and VARBINARY(MAX). While BINARY(MAX) was not specified in the MSDN article, it may be worth reviewing. One of the first things I noticed was the extension of built-in string functions to handle LOB types. Len, LTrim, RTrim and Substring […]


Converged Systems – The New Hype

If you’re like me, you probably get a few emails daily telling you that you need to get on the Converged Infrastructure wagon. The trend popped out overnight, and now it seems everyone is getting into the act. Here’s a quote from Wikipedia describing the concept of Converged Infrastructure. Converged infrastructure operates by grouping multiple information technology (IT) components into […]


How Fast Does a Query Have to Be?

In a recent editorial I made the statement that a developer should write SQL Code to the best of their ability. If the performance was acceptable, then they should simply go nuts with their implementation. Tommy Petersen reminded me of the folly this statement can generate. He says… “If you are getting the performance you want then go nuts” (Tommy […]