Author: Ben Taylor



I recently came across some SQL code that I was surprised to find. Sometimes I forget about some of the basic things I have learned over the years, and simply assume others know them as well. Well, that’s not necessarily true. There are always new people coming into the profession of software development, and they have their journey ahead of […]


XUnit Is Missing Decorations

If you have read my editorial for very long, you won’t be surprised to find that I am a strong proponent of Testing; especially automated testing. While reading up on the XUnit project found on GitHub, I came across a blog by James Newkirk, one of the major XUnit qw2contributors, sharing why he dropped the [Setup] and [Teardown] decorations from […]


CLR Routines

in 2005 Microsoft introduced Dot Net programming capabilities to SQL Server. You could now define your own data types, functions, procedures and more using a Dot Net programming logic, while fulfilling the appropriate interface for the object type you were implementing. Since that time, many of the things users defined have become first class clients in SQL Server itself. We […]


Execute JavaScript Inside SQL Server

JavaScript objects serialized into JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) has a lot of power in the transportability of fully functional transmission of data and logic in an encapsulated form. As we have been discussing, JSON is now a first class citizen in SQL Server when it comes to JSON encapsulated data, but not the JavaScript methods also included in the JSON […]


CLR Routines

in 2005 Microsoft introduced Dot Net programming capabilities to SQL Server. You could now define your own data types, functions, procedures and more using a Dot Net programming logic, while fulfilling the appropriate interface for the object type you were implementing. Since that time, many of the things users defined have become first class clients in SQL Server itself. We […]


JSON – Transportable Encapsulated Objects

Let’s face it; we live in a world where object oriented programming has become the predominant technique for writing most code. At least, that is the case for most current tool sets. That being said, I find it interesting that we find ourselves embracing some features of OO, and ignoring others. For example, I see a lot of dependency injection, […]



I had for my study goal to review the JSON implementation in SQL Server 2016. The implementation is simple, only interacting with data, or properties, of JSON objects. Unlike XML, JSON has the ability to contain functions as well as data, because JSON is simply serialization of JavaScript objects. In JavaScript, even functions are objects. I am both pleased and […]


Data Lifecycle

We’ve been talking about data retention. AZ Jim reminds us in his comments, that the best way to manage data, primarily the deleting of data, is to establish a policy and implementation prior to turning the system on. He also suggests that, for those situations where data may not be deleted, that we have different levels of storage, where data […]


Deleting Data

Many systems don’t like to physically delete data. I find this practice has one or more of the following reasons: If I mark a record as deleted with a status flag, I can bring it back easily Referential integrity requires me to delete data in relationship hierarchy order, or implement cascading deletes There may be a need to keep the […]