Author: Ben Taylor


Making a Graceful Fall

Recently I went through the exercise of error proofing an application. It called a number of micro-services. Sometimes a micro-service became saturated and non-responsive. The work wasn’t complete yet, and all I really needed to do was wait for the saturation to diminish. Then my work could continue successfully. This is a common problem with many different solutions. The perfect […]


Optimize Procedural Code Through Loop Reduction

Yesterday we considered optimization of database by reducing the number of looping requests are necessary to fulfill a query. Today I am turning the topic back around to procedural code, where we have a lot more direct control. There are a couple kinds of common loops found in procedural languages. Most of us are quite familiar with a FOR loop […]


Code Optimization Through Loop Reduction

Sometimes we get the chance to optimize code. It feels like those opportunities are too rare; but, they do come every once in a while, through good planning or dire need. Either way, we look for those small things that add up, resulting in better performance. I gave a few tips a while back with things such as using common […]


Pair Programming Math

One of the most compelling arguments against pair programming is the perceived additional cost. From an accounting perspective, we are paying two salaries to produce the same amount of code. There are perceptions this thought is based on which I would like to question. Do two people working together produce only the same amount of code as one person, or […]


Pair Programming

I was reading my editorial from last Friday, and was immediately struck by a typographical error. I wrote, “…I thing…” instead of “…I think…”. When I publish editorials like that, it is really embarrassing. It looks like I don’t care; but I really do. So please accept my apology for this latest fault, and the many yet to come. We […]


Can You Go Parallel?

If I had to pick important programming techniques for developers to learn well in the modern age I think I would choose Asynchronous Code and Parallel Processing. As our hardware continues to grow by adding more CPUs or Cores, we must become more proficient with these two patterns, if we are going to write performant code that plays well with […]



Pre-processing is a practice that has been utilized as long as I can remember in computer systems. It continues today, but has different flavors. In the old days we used things like Batch Programs, REX, JCL, Shell Scripts, Tcl, Perl, Pipes and Filters, and much more depending on the operating system. We had many utility programs to do searching, filtering […]


Uber Going Schemaless

The topic today is based on the design, as I understand it, for the new Uber back end; Schemaless. Reading some of their design implementations, they have moved the schema out of the storage engine, and into their API and Client services. That being said, they are easily able to alter their schema without a lot of heavy conversion of […]


REST Maturity Model

As I continue my study on RESTful APIs I came across a REST Maturity Model in a presentation by Andy Wilkinson published at infoq. His topic was targeted toward documenting your API. He provided the REST Maturity Model as a basis to help establish what documentation methods work best at each level. Each level of the model builds on the […]


Which SQL Engine is Right For My System?

I was reading a paper from Uber regarding their switch from Posgres to MySql. I have to admit that there were a lot of deep dives in their reasoning, with a lot of edge case scenarios not unique to Uber. What I found more interesting was the massive number of responses to the publication. As I followed many of the […]