Author: Ben Taylor


Begin with the End In Mind

Featured Article(s) MySQL Basic SQL Part IV Joining Tables This article will give you an introduction to different join options along with some simple examples to give familiarity and a baseline for future articles. Webcast – 2 Days Left to Register! Learn about managing your SQL Server data recovery vulnerabilities In this session we’ll look into the different options you […]


Interviewing – Tips and Thoughts

Early-Bird vConference Rates… …expire soon – save $10 per discipline by just registering before the 1st. SQL Server, Business Intelligence, SharePoint and .NET Development – it’s all there and at only $90 per major area (more than 30 sessions for that $90) and no travel, no out of office time, you can’t go wrong. Register today! Heck, you even get […]


A SQL Server Idea

Webcast – Save Your Spot – Understand How Recovery Pieces Fit Together Learn about managing your SQL Server data recovery vulnerabilities In this session we’ll look into the different options you have available to protect your SQL Server investment. Learn about backup and restore, log shipping, replication and other tools you can use to help reduce risk. Find out what […]


Twitter… and SQL Server?

Featured Article(s) MySQL Basic SQL Part III the WHERE clause The optional WHERE clause, simply stated, imposes search criteria or a filter on top of a SELECT statementgiving the ability to conditionally select only those rows from a table you are interested in displaying. Let’s dive in! Twitter… and SQL Server? I noticed this reference on some monitors – it’s […]


How Do You Handle SQL Server Service Pack Installations?

Featured Article(s) Using LiveId for SharePoint authentication Authentication and credentials management is not a trivial thing. You have to ask yourself the following: * How do I handle new user registrations? * What about resetting passwords? * How do I handle "forgot password"? * How do I ensure password complexity requirements? * How should I handle password expiration? * Should […]


Feedback on SharePoint/SQL Server Installations

Featured Article(s) Creating Dynamic Where Clauses in SQL One very common scenario in when working with User Interface database queries is the concept of a "Dynamic Search Query". A select statement that can have optional items in the where clause. There are a number of methods to implement this, however, they have varying levels of difficulty and, overall each have […]


SharePoint/SQL Server Feedback and Lessons Learned

Biggest Discount Early Bird Registration Ends Feb 15 ’09 …for the April vConference – you can save huge on early bird registration now – while the rates are at their absolute lowest. You can’t lose – $80 for a conference? Seriously? Yes. – SQL Server – Business Intelligence – SharePoint – .NET Developers [Get registered here] Upgrading DTS to SSIS? […]