Author: Ben Taylor


There Are Object Libraries

There Are Object Libraries In response to my editorial yesterday about object libraries, What do you consider all the countless frameworks out there to be if not real-world implementations of "object libraries"? Most of the responses were of similar nature, prompting me for a simple explanation. I don’t disagree that there are a lot of object libraries available for use […]


Objects Will Solve it All

Objects Will Solve it All Back in 1992 I had a depressing conversation with a gentleman who was a consultant engaged at my company. I love programming. I love the process of gathering requirements and solving the puzzle to solve a real world need. My friend, Jerry, said that world would be gone in another 5-10 years. I was crushed. […]


What Matters Most – Part II

What Matters Most – Part II Friday I introduced this topic based on the difficulty of finding the best solution for a problem that can be solved with technology. The right software completed too slowly is no more valuable than the wrong software created quickly. Software needs to match the needs of the intended audience. The problem is that we […]


Reckless Coders

I received the following paragraph in an Email of the Typemock newsletter: Eli Lopian, CEO of Typemock, laid out his thoughts on the necessity of unit testing in software development: "Any software programmer that does not do unit testing is a reckless coder," declared Lopian. "Unit testing is an essential part of any software development process. It allows you to […]


What Matters Most

What Matters Most When it comes to software solutions there are so many techniques, environments, and languages to get work done that decisions become nearly impossible to do a thorough evaluation of the options. We get into conversations, sometime quite heated, about what options are the best. Often, I know at least for myself, the opinion I have is not […]


SQL Server Data Collection

Data Collection SQL Server 2008 introduced a simple data warehouse capability for gathering statistics about you SQL Server and/or SQL Service. The tool comes with a wizard to create a database for storing information, a wizard to create trace definitions, integration with the Management features in the Server Object Explorer, and reporting to review the history of data captured. This […]


Sharing Custom Libraries Using NuGet

Sharing Custom Libraries Using NuGet Javier shares a technique he uses with NuGet by defining custom packages on a local share or common folder. Instead of downloading source code from the internet, you become responsible for maintaining the assemblies to manage using NuGet. This method may be used for your own common assemblies. Javier writes: I am a silent reader […]


What Matters Most – Part II

What Matters Most Friday I introduced this topic based on the difficulty of finding the best solution for a problem that can be solved with technology. The right software completed too slowly is no more valuable than the wrong software created quickly. Software needs to match the needs of the intended audience. The problem is that we are not willing […]



NuGet I wrote about NuGet a few months ago. After using it extensively for quite some time, I’m not sure how much I like it. It is really great for handling and maintaining external libraries. In fact, you can even establish your own shared libraries to be published on NuGet for others, or independently in house. I use Nuget to […]



DATEFIRST Today I’m going to do a little rambling about the SQL Configuration Setting DATEFIRST. I was prompted to review this topic by a response from Joe stating that code I had posted from Maurice had an error. At first I thought Joe was incorrect, and that he had not taken into account the DATEFIRST configuration of his SQL Instance. […]