Author: Ben Taylor


Three Kinds of Logging

Three Kinds of Logging Today I’m sharing a readers response from Mark as a followup to the topic of application logging I presented learlier this week. Mark explores three kinds of logging… Mark Writes: I tend to group logging into 3 main categories that I treat differently through bespoke logging libraries. I would be keen to see what logging frameworks […]


JavaScript and HTML 5

JavaScript and HTML 5 The momentum is there for these technologies to take over web based development. They are bringing to the browser something it was not originally designed to do; an environment that can be programmed with events, methods, bindings and many other modern front end like tools only found previously in rich development environments. If this were not […]


Application Logging

Application Logging From my perspective I see logging as an essential component of most applications. It provides a framework on which we can attach items of interest at a later time. There are so many things that can make sense to log. There are so many ways to log things as demonstrated in many of the different logging frameworks. So, […]


What is the Future of Media?

What is the Future of Media? Let’s face it…the modern generation would rather watch something on a screen than read about it, or listen to a live speaker (concerts excluded). I base this statement on the culture of university students in the USA, and on watching my own children. Here is an anecdote to help make sense of my statement… […]


Paging Table Enhancements

Paging Table Enhancements Yesterday I wrote about using a paging table as a technique to persist the ordering of the results of a query for the purpose of returning a few rows at a time out of the entire result set. I came across this technique while working on an online phone bill system for companies having a monthly bill […]


Paging Table

Paging Table Greg Larson wrote a really great article on how to page through data in SQL Server using techniques that were available in different versions of SQL Server I really enjoyed the walk down memory lane, and appreciated the new feature added to SQL Server 2012 making paging much easier. The goal is to return to the client […]


Pivot Table

Pivot Table You hear the term pivot table frequently when you use Excel or do a lot of data mining. Most reporting tools have a pivot table report type built in. Did you know there really is a device called a pivot table? Back in the old days, this was how we would turn rows of data into columns of […]


Are we 64 Bit yet – Reader Response Part II

Are we 64 Bit yet – Reader Response Part II There are some things in the 64 bit versions of software that work differently from the 32 bit predecessor. The ones I have had to deal with are in the Windows and SQL Server arena. Some have asked for links, which I have not maintained. This link,, is an […]


Are We 64 Bit Yet?

Are We 64 Bit Yet? I still have a couple older computers around my home for my kids that are 32 bit. They work great for learning how to type, word processing, or even running programs for school and stuff. I run either Windows XP or Windows 7 on them, depending on the system. I’m sure there will be a […]