Can One Person Handle All the Content Marketing When Starting Your Business?
Career Management Series
By Laura Lee Rose
Hello, this is Laura Lee Rose – author of TimePeace: Making peace with time – and I am a business and efficiency coach that specializes in time management, project management and work-life balance strategies. I help busy professionals and entrepreneurs create effective systems so that they can comfortably delegate to others, be more profitable and have time to enjoy life even if they don’t have time to learn new technology or train their staff. I have a knack for taking big ideas and converting them into smart, sound, and actionable ideas.
At the end of the day, I transform the way you run your business into a business you love to run.
Today’s comment came from a busy professional and an entrepreneur:
Can one person handle all the content marketing when starting your business?
Coming up with new ideas and writing about them takes a lot of time and effort. I feel like I have more important things I can be doing when just starting my business. I’ve thought about outsourcing some of the work but then the voice of the content doesn’t match up. How does one person handle everything if possible?
I think the mistake that you might be making is to think of "writing content" as a solo and isolated activity. You see it as something separate from your business that you do over and over again. Instead of thinking that "writing content" is something extra that you need to do, productize it. You need to incorporate it into your business product line.
Increase the lifespan of all your activities.
Whether you are an entrepreneur creating your own business or a corporate staff member supporting your department’s goals – the recommendation is the same. For every task or activities find a way to increase the value and lifespan of that item. By increasing the lifespan of your results, you increase its value, reduce your time, and better promote yourself.
Focus on business focused experience
Stay focused on topics and materials that are business focused. Make sure your content supports your brand and company vision. This way you are not confusing your readers on what your company can do for them. You are not distracting or misdirecting them away from your company purpose.
Once you have their attention, lead them to your other products and services that will better help them on their goals.
Use multiple sources for content
For example: I get the ideas for my material from questions people ask me throughout the month. Many of my articles come from the questions that a website sends me; some are sent to me from a “Help A Reporter” website; some come from my clients, etc. Because these topics and questions come from relevant sources to my business, I am assured that they are relevant topics to my clients and potential clients. In my business, there is no limit to the topics and content if I just keep an eye out.
I also go out of my way to interview other experts in different fields. I then use these interviews as additional content, as well as a network tool. I interview their business for my BlogTalkRadio show. This way I get to know them and they get to advertise what they do, their products and their business on the radio show. I send them the audio of the interview, so they can publish it on their websites, social media and newsletters.
Reuse your materials
Continually upgrade and re-bundle your materials.
For example: I reuse the various materials, videos, and audios for my blogs, newsletters, social media, and weekly interviews.
I am a Business Systems and Solutions consultant. I help busy entrepreneurs create effective systems so that they can comfortably delegate to others, be more profitable and have the time to do spend on the things they want to do.
As such, I am interviewed weekly by a client company. We meet monthly and tape 4 interviews which they air on a weekly basis to their clients. I take those interviews and create articles (which I am paid for). Then I take that material and modify/split them up for my newsletters and social media postings. I do the same thing with the business interview content.
Then I take those topics and create my monthly training webinars for other clients.
I then combine those webinars, articles and worksheets into a training package or DVD.
I also used this same content to write the book "TimePeace: Making Peace With Time".
Create your Product Funnel
To make this easier – – Start with a product funnel strategy – such that your "content" is incorporated into the next product bundle. If you plan ahead to see where the content will take you, you will get much more out of your "writing content" than you previously imagined. Your content will play a bigger part in your revenue stream.
You can do this whether you have you own business or work for someone else. Figure out a way to increase the value of your current activities – such that it creates revenue for the company.
Change your mindset from merely "creating content" to “how do I use this to increase revenue or attract clients”. If you plan ahead to see where your activities will take you, you will get much more out of your time and attention than you previously imagined.
If you need additional ideas, don’t hesitate to reach out to me.
If you need additional help on this topic, please contact
I am a business coach and this is what I do professionally. It’s easy to sign up for a complementary one-on-one coaching call, just use this link