
Shredding XML Into Relational Rows

Shredding XML Into Relational Rows


By Yuli Vasiliev

This article reveals how you might use SQL/XML functions in your SQL statements to access XML data, shredding it into relational rows and then joining them with regular relational data stored in an Oracle database. In particular, it explains how you might use SQL/XML function XMLTable to derive relational data from XML. The examples provided in this article assume you have Oracle database demonstration schemas installed. In particular, you’ll need the OE and HR demonstration database schemas.


Let’s start with an example in which the XMLTable SQL/XML function is used to query the PurchaseOrder XML schema-based XMLType table from the OE demonstration database schema, referring to an XMLTable construct without the COLUMNS clause. In the XQuery expression passed to XMLTable in the example below, you apply XPath expression /PurchaseOrder/Reference to the XML document processed, retrieving only those Reference elements that belong to the /PurchaseOrder elements whose /PurchaseOrder/User element’s value is AWALSH


SELECT ttab.COLUMN_VALUE AS PO FROM purchaseorder,


‘for $i in /PurchaseOrder

where $i/User = “AWALSH”






) ttab;


Not using the COLUMNS clause in XMLTable is the key point here. As a result, the XQuery expression simply outputs a <PO><Reference> XML element for each purchase order requested by user AWALSH.


Another interesting point to note here is the use of the OBJECT_VALUE pseudocolumn in the PASSING clause of the XMLTable function to pass the purchaseorder table as context item to the XQuery expression. To access the produced XML, you use the COLUMN_VALUE pseudocolumn in the SELECT list. As a result, you should have the following output comprised of XML fragments:















10 rows selected.


In practice however, you most likely will want to have the data you need extracted from XML tags, looking more like relational data. This is where the COLUMNS clause comes into play. So, the following example illustrates how you can use SQL/XML function XMLTable to query XMLType data, decomposing the resulting XML into relational data:


SELECT ttab.reference AS PO FROM purchaseorder,

XMLTable(‘for $i in /PurchaseOrder

where $i/User = “AWALSH”



COLUMNS reference VARCHAR2(32)  PATH ‘/PurchaseOrder/Reference’

) ttab;


Now the output comes in a more relational friendly format:















10 rows selected.


Now that you have XML data shredded into relational rows, you can join it with any other relational data. Suppose you want to output each purchase order you had in the preceding query, along with the full name of the user. This can be done by joining the hr.employees table with the virtual table generated by XMLTable, as follows:


SELECT emp.first_name, emp.last_name,ttab.reference  FROM oe.purchaseorder,

XMLTable(‘for $i in /PurchaseOrder

where $i/User = “AWALSH”



COLUMNS reference VARCHAR2(32)  PATH ‘/PurchaseOrder/Reference’

) ttab, hr.employees emp

WHERE ttab.reference LIKE ||’%’;


The output should look like this:


FIRST_NAME           LAST_NAME                 REFERENCE

——————– ————————- —————————-

Alana                Walsh                     AWALSH-2002100912333570PDT

Alana                Walsh                     AWALSH-20021009123337203PDT

Alana                Walsh                     AWALSH-20021009123337303PDT

Alana                Walsh                     AWALSH-20021009123337954PDT

Alana                Walsh                     AWALSH-2002100912333844PDT

Alana                Walsh                     AWALSH-20021009123337483PDT

Alana                Walsh                     AWALSH-20021009123336642PDT

Alana                Walsh                     AWALSH-20021009123335871PDT

Alana                Walsh                     AWALSH-20021009123335911PDT

Alana                Walsh                     AWALSH-20021009123336101PDT


10 rows selected.


About the Author


Yuli Vasiliev is a software developer, freelance author, and consultant currently specializing in open source development, Java technologies, business intelligence (BI), databases, and service-oriented architecture (SOA). He is the author of Oracle Business Intelligence: The Condensed Guide to Analysis and Reporting (Packt, 2010) and PHP Oracle Web Development (Packt, 2007) as well as a series of other books on the Oracle technology.