SQL Server

SQL Server security – (Part 2)

SQL Server security – (Part 2)

Author: Basit A. Farooq

Editor’s Note: In this second part of the SQL Server security article series, you’ll first learn how to manage logins. You’ll also learn how to create and manage database users. This article applies to SQL Server 2005 and later editions.

Modifying logins

You can change a login using SQL Server Management Studio or by using the ALTER LOGIN statement. The properties you can alter depend on the type of login.

You can modify the following properties of a Windows login:

  • Default database
  • Default language

You can modify the following properties of a SQL Server login:

  • Password
  • Enforce password policy
  • Enforce password expiration
  • Default database
  • Default language

To modify these properties using SQL Server Management Studio:

  • Right-click the Login and choose Properties.
  • On the General tab, change the desired properties.
  • Click OK.


The ALTER LOGIN statement has the following syntax:

ALTER LOGIN login_name


| WITH <set_option_list>

The supported status options are ENABLE or DISABLE. You can use these options to disable a login temporarily. For example, you might want to disable a login of an employee who’s on an extended leave of absence.

The set_option_list options are described in the table:




New password for the login. SQL Server logins only.


Old password for the login. SQL Server logins only.


User must change the password after the next login. SQL Server logins only.


Name of the default database for the login.


Name of the default language for the login.

NAME = login_name

Rename the login. If the login is a Windows login, the name must match the Windows login name.


Enforces password expiration policy if ON. SQL Server logins only.


Enforces password policy if ON. SQL Server logins only.


Name of the credential used to access outside resources.


Delete existing credential mapping.


Unlock the login that was locked because of too many invalid login attempts. SQL Server logins only.

For example, to change the default database for BasitFarooq, execute:


WITH DEFAULT_DATABASE = AdventureWorks2014

To change the password for BasitFarooq, and require him to change it next time he logs in, execute:



Changing the login status using SQL Server Management Studio

You can also change a login status using SQL Server Management Studio. To do so:

  • Right-click the login and choose Properties.
  • Click Status.
  • Choose Enabled or Disabled.
  • If the account is a SQL Server login and is locked out, uncheck “Login is locked out” to unlock the account.
  • Click OK.

Deleting logins

You can delete a login by selecting the login and clicking Delete. Or you can use the DROP LOGIN statement:

DROP LOGIN login_name

You can’t drop a login that:

  • Has an active connection.
  • Owns a securable server object.
  • Owns a SQL Agent job.

You shouldn’t drop a login that’s mapped to a database user. A database user is a principal that provides user access to a database.

Retrieving information about logins

You can use the sys.server_principals catalog view to retrieve information about the logins on the server. To retrieve all rows and columns from sys.server_principals, you run:

SELECT * FROM sys.server_principals

The columns in the view are described in the following table:




Login name.


ID number, unique within the instance of SQL Server.


Security identifier. For Windows logins, this is the same as the SID assigned by the operating system.


Type of principal. Supported values are S (SQL login), U (Windows login), G (Windows group), R (Server role), C (Certificate-mapped login), and K (Asymmetric key-mapped login). A server role is a principal that has a set of default permissions.


Description of the type of the principal.


Set to 1, the login is disabled.


Date and time the principal was created.


Date and time the principal was last modified.


Default database name of the principal.


Default language of the principal.


Credential mapped to principal. If no credential is mapped, stores NULL.

You can retrieve the login name for the current connection login with the SYSTEM_USER() or the SUSER_SNAME(). SYSTEM_USER is a SQL-92 function. For example, to retrieve the current login, you run either of the following two commands:



You can also use the SUSER_SNAME() function to retrieve the login associated with a specific SID. The SID is stored as a hexadecimal value. For example:

SELECT SUSER_SNAME(0x0105000000000000051500000000…)

You can obtain the SID used to login to the current session using the SUSER_SID() function without parameters. For example:


You can obtain the SID of a user with a specific login name by passing the login name to the SUSER_SID function:


Database users

A user uses a valid login to authenticate and connect to the instance of SQL Server. A user can also access a database under the guest account. The guest account has limited access permissions. To allow more access to a database than that provided by the guest account, you create a database user and map it to a login. You can improve security by disabling the guest account, but keep in mind that this eliminates default limited access to the database.

Default database users

When you first create a database, it has four users:

  • dbo — Special user that specifies the permission set when a user is the database owner and is also the owner of the dbo schema.
  • guest — Provides limited access to the database if the login isn’t mapped to a database user. By default, a user can connect using the guest account for the user’s default database only.
  • sys — Owns the sys schema.

Database user creation

You can create a database user using SQL Server Management Studio or using the CREATE USER statement. You can create only a user mapped to a login account using SQL Server Management Studio.

To create a user in SQL Server Management Studio:

  • In Object Explorer, expand Databases.
  • Expand the database in which you want to create the user.
  • Expand Security.
  • Right-click Users and choose New User.
  • Enter the user name.
  • Enter the login name or browse to select a login name.
  • Enter or select the user’s default schema. The default schema is the one assumed when an object is referenced without a schema identifier. If no default schema is selected, the default schema is set to dbo.
  • Select any schemas owned by the user.
  • Select database role memberships for the user. A database role defines a group of permissions.
  • Click OK.

The CREATE USER statement gives you more flexibility. You can create a user based on:

  • A login — The user is mapped to a Windows or SQL Server login.
  • A certificate — The user is mapped to a PKI certificate.
  • An asymmetric key — The user is mapped to an asymmetric key.
  • Without login — The user isn’t mapped and can only access this database.

The CREATE USER statement has the syntax:

CREATE USER user_name


LOGIN login_name

| CERTIFICATE cert_name

| ASYMMETRIC KEY asym_key_name



[WITH DEFAULT_SCHEMA = schema_name]

If you don’t provide a login, certification, or asymmetric key, SQL Server attempts to map the user to the SQL Server login with the user_name, if one exists. For example, to create a user for the BasitFarooq login, you can execute either of the following two commands:

CREATE USER ‘BasitFarooq’

CREATE USER ‘BasitFarooq’

FOR LOGIN ‘BasitFarooq’

Database user modification

You can change the database user’s name or default schema with the ALTER USER statement. The ALTER USER statement has the syntax:

ALTER USER user_name

| DEFAULT_SCHEMA = schema_name

For example, to change the default schema for BasitFarooq, you execute:

ALTER USER BasitFarooq


You can also change the user’s default schema through the user’s Properties dialog in SQL Server Management Studio, but you can’t change the user name.

Database user deletion

To delete a database user in SQL Server Management Studio, right-click the user and then choose Delete from the menu. You can also use the DROP USER statement with the syntax:

DROP USER user_name

You can’t drop a user that owns securables.

Database user information

You can retrieve information about the users created on a database by using the sys.database.principals catalog view. The columns are described in the table:




Database user name.


ID number, unique within the instance of SQL Server.


Type of database user. Supported values are S (SQL user), U (Windows user), G (Windows group), R (Database role), A (Application role), C (Certificate-mapped login), and K (Asymmetric key-mapped login).


Description of the type of the database user.


Default schema name of the database user.


Date and time the database user was created.


Date and time the database user was last modified.


ID of the owner. Will always be dbo for users.


Security identifier for the login. If not mapped to a login, it’s NULL.


Set to 1 for fixed (built-in) database roles.

You can use the USER_NAME, CURRENT_USER, or SESSION_USER functions to determine the name of the user in the current session. To use USER_ID, you call it with no parameters:


CURRENT_USER and SESSION_USER are SQL-92 synonyms for USER_NAME run with no parameters. For example, to determine the user name associated with the database user id of 40, you execute:


You can use the USER_NAME function to find the database user id associated with a name. To do so, pass the database user name:

SELECT USER_ID(‘BasitFarooq’)

WITH NAME = new_user_name

Continue to Part-3….