
SQL Server Merge Replication, SQL Server Maintenance and More

Featured Article(s)

Tips for using SQL Server 2005 Merge Replication (Part 4)
Here are some helpful tips to performance tune and optimize SQL Server 2005 Merge Replication.

Looking for the Best SQL Server Technical Conference Going?
Check out SQL Connections. We’ll be there with our SSWUG track, and you’ll find technical tracks on everything from administration to new features in SQL Server 2008 to development and much more. We’ll also have a studio set up there so you can have your 15 minutes of fame – come and have some fun, network with peers, learn a bunch of new things that you can apply immediately… come to SQL Connections in Vegas Nov 5-8. Get more information here, and register today!

Maintenance and SQL Server
I’ve been talking to a number of SQL DBAs lately about what they do on a regular basis to maintain their systems. MANY of these are in the "set it and forget it" camp, bringing up SQL Server, setting initial options, getting the first database going, setting up maintenance plans and walking away. Of course this comes to a halt if something happens that needs to be responded to, but with solid hardware, the fact is you can go for a good period on this type of installation.


I’ve been working with a few of these to start exploring the "real" health of their systems. Fragmentation, statistics, jobs, tasks, overlapping tasks and other goodies are all things that we’ve been looking at to determine the overall health of the SQL Server and databases. Sometimes the results are a bit unsettling to say the least. Other times, things are OK – could be better, but OK.

Which leads me to ask – what types of things do you do on a regular basis to keep tabs on your systems, to update stats, monitor fragmentation, etc.? Send me an email and let me know – I’m curious beyond the standard maintenance plan – what types of things do you do? I’d love to hear from you even if it’s "um, nothing else!"

Email me here, let me know.

Featured White Paper(s)
The Payment Card Industry Compliance – Securing both Merchant and Customer data
This white paper introduces the Payment Card Industry Compliance standard, and the security threats which brought about the n… (read more)

ADABAS/Natural Migration to the Cost-Effective Relational Database, DB2 or SQL Server
To cut your Total Cost of Ownership, migrating away from legacy languages and databases is a good start. BluePhoenix™ DBMSMig… (read more)

The Top 5 Challenges of Migrating Lotus Notes Applications
Meeting the challenges of any Lotus Notes replacement initiative is a difficult and time consuming project that requires care… (read more)