
PHP and SQL Server, SQL-Geek Humor

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Featured Article(s)
Who do you Hire: The Decision You Need to Make
I was talking to a director that I know and he mentioned to me that he has a scale that he measures prospective employees on. If you evaluate these three points I think that you can get a good idea on how to compare different people that you may be considering for employment.

Time to Streamline! One Query Tool is All You Need
Why have multiple tools when one can do it all? Advanced Query Tool is a mature and feature-rich database tool used widely throughout the industry. Individually configured for 14 database types, AQT works with all your databases. The wide range of features will make all your database staff more productive. Major features: a powerful query environment (including a graphical query builder), ability to load data (even between different database types), export data (in a variety of formats), database administration (create / manage database objects, generate DDL, compare schemas), many developer tools (data compare / synchronize, table editor, run procedures, display / load LOBs). Get more information here.

Heads-Up – Need Your Help Tomorrow….
Tomorrow I’ll be posting a request for comments on a new idea that we’re considering for the site. I just wanted to give you a heads-up here as I’ll be asking for you to watch a quick video intro into the idea, then going through a survey so you can let me know your thoughts. Please keep an eye out for the newsletter – I really do appreciate your time and feedback and it’s critical as we consider this – it’ll be very different….More tomorrow.

Database Geek Humor…
Saw this referenced on Euan Garden’s blog – too funny. Take a look – a comic about SQL Injection. Now, it’s funny, but seriously – wouldn’t it be interesting to actually try this some time with a school registration! I know of some folks that would do it – and the results could be very intriguing.

PHP and SQL Server
Don’t know if you noticed, but Microsoft is working with Zend and others to create the drivers that will bring SQL Server to the PHP community "officially." This is great news and I suspect that it will mean that SQL Server Express will be utilized more in this stack and will be more seriously considered by apps that use MySQL and other platforms today. I think this is great – while PHP isn’t my primary environment of choice, there are MANY applications and options out there that, if they were to use a more comfortable (for me) database environment, I’d be more than willing to consider them and deploy them.

Do you have PHP on your production servers? Would being able to use PHP with SQL Server make you more/less apt to support applications that use it? Let me know your thoughts here.

Featured White Paper(s)
Are AJAX Applications Vulnerable to Hack Attacks?
This paper reviews AJAX technologies with specific reference to JavaScript and briefly documents the kinds of vulnerability c… (read more)

Reach the SQL Server Performance Tuning Pinnacle
Long-term, highly performing systems serve as a tremendous asset to an organization, but do not happen by mistake. They are i… (read more)

Deploying Microsoft® SQL Server in an iSCSI SAN
This Technical Report describes how to deploy SQL Server in an iSCSI SAN with PS Series storage arrays. It provides configura… (read more)

Disaster Recovery & Business Continuity for SQL Servers Through a Standby Approach
With the launch of Microsoft SQL Server 2005, Microsoft SQL Servers are becoming increasingly popular for use in mission crit… (read more)