
Keynote Today: SQL [Server] Injection Specific Techniques to Fight…

Keynote Today: SQL [Server] Injection
Today’s keynote features code you can use, web pages to swallow "500" errors and full tips on working to beat injection.
[Hope to see you there]

Project Estimation Tales, Part… well, Part .Next.
: "This all sounds way too familiar and troubling, especially those requests for estimates that are from Product Mgmt. Here we have a thing called a SWAG request. It sounds formal, but, when I asked what it meant, was told "silly wild-a** guess". I must have missed that class when I was in school."

KJ: "I deal with this issue in a straightforward way that seems to work well. And I have "worked" this tactic both as a provider of IT development services and as a purchaser.

1:Fixed bids only for all work.

2:Comprehensive specifications are required as the basis for the fixed bids.

3:Specifications must include both functional and non-functional requirements.

4:Any changes to specifications for deliverables after fixed bid agreement is reached, to be estimated themselves as "change orders"
also to be contracted using a fixed bid, and again, based on comprehensive specifications for the change from the original spec.

5:The IT vendor foots the bill for work effort required for creating the fixed bid, and verifying that the specifications are satisfactory for the vendor to produce the bid.

If the purchaser cannot provide comprehensive specifications satisfactory for development of a fixed bid, consultation and assistance can be provided on a time and materials basis for generation and/or enhancement of the specs.

The above is the concept in use as a standard in the large scale construction industry for many decades and although there is rarely the perfect original spec that never requires a change order, is a proven industry standard.

If it’s good enough for building roads, bridges, homes, buildings, etc. it should be good enough for a software development effort.

What idiot builder would consider bidding on, or accepting a non-trivial construction project, and what idiot contractors would actually attempt to build building, without the BLUEPRINT?"


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