
How Well Do You Know SQL Server?

Webcast: SQL Server and SharePoint Data Integration
SharePoint’s Data View web part can do much more than just view data. It can serve as a complete front-end to your SQL Server (and other data store) information allowing you to create robust applications without writing code. In this session, you will see just how to create such an application including conditional graphics. You’ll even learn how to pass data from SQL Server into a SharePoint Designer workflow for business process automation.
Presented by: Ricky Spears

> Register Now
> Live date: 10/6/2010 at 12:00 Pacific

Featured White Paper(s)
Automating DBA Processes for Microsoft SQL Server
Want to save time, reduce errors, get things done without you doing them and standardize preventative maintenance of your SQL… (read more)

How Well Do You Know SQL Server?
Do you think you know SQL Server pretty well? How about testing your knowledge. Beyond Relational is sponsoring a SQL Server quiz written by dozens of SQL Server MVPs.

According to the Quiz description, the "SQL Server Quiz is a platform to verify your understanding of SQL Server and enhance your SQL Server skills. Through SQL Server Quiz, we bring a series of questions on various SQL Server topics and will provide a platform for discussing, explaining and understanding the related SQL Server areas.

Each SQL Server quiz will be a series of 31 questions, managed by 31 quiz masters who are experts in SQL Server. Each quiz master will ask one question each and will moderate the discussions and answers and finally will identify the winner of each quiz. Each answer that is correct will get a certain score (between 1 and 10, where 10 is the best) the scores of all the 31 questions will be added up to identify the final winner."

Many of the Quiz Masters you know from articles and links posted on SSWUG. Cliick SQL Server Quiz to register for the quiz. It starts this Friday. And, you can sign up for reminders by Email, RSS, Twitter or Facebook. How cool is that? (my boy’s favorite phrase)

So, roll up your sleeves and go win a prize for your hard work learning SQL Server.


Using SSIS? Have We Got a Class for You!
This Virtual Class, delivered by Microsoft SQL Server MVP Eric Johnson, will guide you into the world of SQL Server Integration Services. The class will start at the very basics of making a new package, and will progress towards advanced topics such as debugging and deployment. The entire goal of the course is to take you from never having used SSIS to being a competent SSIS developer in twelve sessions delivered over four weeks.
[Register Here]

Featured Article(s)
SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services Optimization Tips
Here you can find some helpful tips to ensure you work with SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services in the most efficient manner possible.