
VConference, SharePoint and Agile

Webcast: Agile Business Intelligence – Proven Techniques that move BI Development into the Agile World
As more and more organizations embrace agile development methodologies, tools and agile processes are becoming more mainstream and almost transparent to the developer; however, the problem of embracing agile development is still an issue for those working on Business Intelligence projects. This problem is exacerbated by the fact that tools for BI development haven’t quite caught up to the unique problems presented by Business Intelligence development. This session will discuss Agile techniques as they relate to Business Intelligence Projects, with a particular focus on Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) and Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS) development. Attendees will learn how to adapt the Microsoft Solutions Framework (MSF) for Agile process template for Business Intelligence, and will show how to integrate Visual Studio Team System and Team Foundation Server into your agile BI projects. Attendees will leave this session with a good understanding of how agile can apply to the BI world.

Presented by: Ted Malone

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> Live date: 10/27/2010 at 12:00 Pacific

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Virtual Conference, SharePoint and Agile

Did you get to the Virtual Conference Yesterday? If not you can still attend the last two days. Click here to attend the last two days. There is still a lot of great content remaining.

Check out the recent Select Views Interviews interviews with Rick Pleczko, CEO of Idera Software and Ted Malone (our Agile/BI guru at the SSWUG Virtual Conference).

Rick provides great insight into the issues facing the accidental SharePoint administrator. SharePoint requires a number of disciplines to manage that cross many traditional boundaries. It requires understanding of Web Technologies, Software Development, and Database Management. Rick helps clarify the roll of the SharePoint Administrator and the key problems they need to solve. He also shares some of the tools Idera provides to simplify the job of the SharePoint Administrator. Worth your time, especially if you find you are or may be managing SharePoint.

Ted Malone continues the majority of this Select Views Interview. Ted provides us with a preview of some of the insights for Agile BI development, and Agile DB development in general. His simple definition of Agile, "A methodology for Software Development allowing your to make rapid changes as the need arises." Developers are no longer "Resources." They become participants in the product. Software that is "Done" is ready for market; even if it is not actually released.

Steve and Ted discuss the success and stability of SQL Server 2005 as having been completed more along a release data rather than a specific set of features (Microsofts previous Release model). SQL Server 2005 (and later) was released when anticipated with only those features that were production ready. Rather than having the features drive the time line, the time line drives the features. Features are not included in a release unless they are "Done" when the release date arrives. As a result, SQL Server 2005 – 2008R2 have been much better products as released than any previous versions, even before service packs were available.

Of course theres lots more. These highlights should get you to the viewing page, or you can download the interview as a podCast for later.

Are you having difficulty getting your software "To Market?" The concept can be used for internal software release as well. Are you tired of dates constantly slipping? Get to the Virtual Conference and give some of the Agile concepts a fair hearing. Drop me a line with your comments at btaylor@sswug.org.

